Advice for Road Runners: The On Women’s Cloudrunner 2 Running Shoes provide cushioning and support. They are likely to be best suited to runners seeking stability road running shoes.
Underfoot Feel
The Cloudrunner 2 have a midsole containing On’s Helion™ superfoam. This material provides soft cushioning and high energy return. The foam plus On’s CloudTec® cushioning should help you to run in comfort.
It is worth noting that these On running shoes are designed to provide added stability. In theory, this means should provide a stable and supportive platform from which to land on and push off from.
The outsole has been upgraded to prevent stones becoming trapped. This is important as a stone becoming stuck in the outsole would not help when it comes to underfoot comfort.
Upper Fit
The plush tongue will help the upper to be very comfortable. However, the upper also contributes to the support provided by these On running shoes. A durable heel clip and upper reinforcements provide added support for your feet.
The Swiss-engineered mesh in the upper is 100% recycled.
Ideal Run Type
The On Women’s Cloudrunner 2 Running Shoes are likely to be most suitable for runners seeking extra support for unstable feet and ankles. From a pace perspective, we recommend these shoes for your easy to steady paced runs.
Technical Features
- Drop: 10 mm
- Approximate weight: 230 grams
Sizing Advice
Shoe size is a personal preference and everyone’s feet are different, but we want to ensure you avoid any pain or discomfort from bruised toenails, rubbing, blistering or pins and needles.
Your running shoes should have enough width to allow you to spread your toes and should have some space at the front (we recommend having a half to one thumb’s width of space from the end of your longest toe to the front of your running shoes).
This usually means that your running shoe will be at least a half size bigger than your regular shoe size though this can vary from brand to brand.
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